Top 20 Most Peaceful Countries In Africa (2024)

The most peaceful countries in Africa have well for themselves; they have earned the trust and respect of the international community. The direct result is that they are often the first to be considered when it comes to tourism and direct infrastructure investments.

This avails them the opportunity to have rapid growth in their economies, and to increase their GDP Per Capita. It is therefore no surprise that the Africa’s most peaceful countries are also some of the richest on the continent.

The continent has never really been noted for peace; but these are the few countries who have managed to escape that stereotype- at least to an extent.

Top 20 Most Peaceful Countries In Africa

1. Ghana

Ghana is a country on the western coast of Africa; it has a population of around 32 million people, and a land area of 238,535 km2 . Ghana has a long history of peaceful interaction with foreign merchants especially the Arabs, Dutch and Portuguese.

The country has been very quiet and peaceful in its modern history; since 1993 it has maintained one of the freest and most stable governments without any hitches in transition from government to government.

Ghana’s politics is very active; the country operates a multiparty system where all parties are given a platform to air their views, and then whatever the electorate decides is upheld.

An interesting thing to note is that Ghana has managed to stay out of the crises happening to its neighbors. Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso both share borders with Ghana; but their socio political problems have not been allowed to cross the border. Even when a similar problem as that happening with Nigeria’s herdsmen occurred in Ghana; a solution was promptly found.

2. Gambia

The Gambia is a small West African country; it is surrounded by Senegal except for the western tip which meets the Atlantic Ocean. The Gambia has a population of 1.8 million people living in a land area of 11,300km2.

Like many other countries in Africa; the Gambia has suffered from the scourge of having bad leaders. The country has seen a president rule from independence in 1965 until being deposed in a bloodless coup in 1994. Another leader lost an election but refused to leave office until a military intervention by ECOWAS forced him to leave.

Despite all of these, the country remains very peaceful and friendly; politics is liberal, and the people are welcoming to visitors.

3. Botswana

Botswana is a country in southern Africa; it has a population of 2.3 million people, and a land area of 581,730 km2. This is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world; although around 70 percent of the land is desert.

Botswana is a very peaceful country; as a result it has a very good tourism sector. Botswana is quite a wealth country; it has a high GDP Per Capita by African standards. The country is a member of the African Union, The Commonwealth, Southern African Customs Union, and United Nations.

Botswana very little militarization; this is helped by the fact that most of its neighboring countries are peaceful and progressive countries.

4. Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is a country in West Africa; it is on the coast of West Africa, and measures 71,740km2. Sierra Leone has a population of around 7 million people, and a land that includes savannah and plenty of rainforests.

Sierra Leone has suffered a great deal in the past; it has seen two military coups, and a bloody civil war, which only ended after the intervention of international powers.

Sierra Leone has every reason to be peaceful; having seen firsthand the horrors of war; the people are keen to pursue peace. They are respectful towards each other, and friendly towards visitors. This is a very interesting country to visit; and there are many historic monuments, as well as animal reserves to visit.

5. Zambia

Zambia is a country in southern Africa; it is landlocked- Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, and Angola are its neighbors. Zambia has a land area of 752,617 km2, and a population of about 20 million people.

Zambians are a peace-loving people, thankfully they have nothing to worry about because their neighbors are largely peaceful and progressive countries as well.

Zambia is already one of Africa’s major hubs for tourism; and that would never have been possible if the country was not a peaceful and accommodating land.

6. Equatorial Guinea

Equatorial Guinea is a country in the west coast of Central Africa. The country’s neighbors include Gabon, Cameroon, and Sao Tome and Principe. Equatorial Guinea has a population of 1.4 million people, and a land area of 28,000 kilometers square.

Equatorial Guinea’s neighbors are largely peaceful; and although Cameroon has its internal problems, those problems have not been allowed to cross the border into Equatorial Guinea. The people are happy and friendly, and even though the socio political system is not perfect, the country is quite safe and secure.

Tourists come into Equatorial Guinea without any fear because they have no cause to be alarmed; the country is well organized, and the civil and military structures ensure safety.

7. Malawi

Malawi may be a poor country, but it is a peaceful country- and with peace comes prosperity. Malawi is located in southeastern Africa. Its neighbors include; Zambia, Tanzania, Mozambique. Malawi has a population of 19 million, living in a land area of 118,484km2.

Malawi’s neighbors are largely peaceful; the country is not very worried about any form of trouble coming from the countries that surround it.

Malawi’s citizens are too busy working on their farms; they do not have time for trouble. As a result, the country has very little political or social tension. Malawians are also very good at craft-making; and as a result there are many interesting souvenirs for visitors to pick up at the markets.

8. Namibia

Namibia is a southern African country; its neighbors include Zambia, Angola, Botswana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. Namibia has particular affinity with South Africa; the two countries share a cultural and political history which bonds them in economics.

Namibia has a population of 2.5 million people living in a land area of about 825,615 km2- however, this is the driest country in southern Africa; most of it falls into the namib desert.

Namibia is a peaceful and progressive country; it is a place that tourists from all over the world love to visit in order to get a taste of the unique ecosystem that it has to offer.

9. Senegal

Senegal is a country in West Africa; some of its neighbors include; Mauritania, Mali, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, and Gambia which it almost completely surrounds.

Senegal has a population of 17 million living in a land area of 197,000km2. Even though Senegal is located in a somewhat volatile belt in western Africa, the country is relatively peaceful.

There are political tensions in the country, but no indication of spilling over into full blown violence. The country has a good rapport with its neighbors, and visitors come in large numbers to enjoy the tourist attractions.

10. Rwanda

Rwanda is a country in central Africa; some of its neighbors include Uganda, Tanzania, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Rwanda has a land area of 26,338 km2 and a population of 13 million people.

Rwanda has had a volatile history; social uprisings, assassinations, coups, and a long and bloody war. The Rwandan Genocide is a particularly dark chapter in human history- one that will never be forgotten.

Those dark times have actually made Rwanda one of the most peaceful countries in Africa; one whose citizens have the need for peace etched into their collective consciousness.

The following is a more detailed list of the most peaceful countries in Africa.

Rank Country World Peace Index Score Position In World Ranking
1 Ghana 1.759 40
2 The Gambia 1.792 45
3 Botswana 1.801 48
4 Sierra Leone 1.803 50
5 Zambia 1.841 56
6 Equatorial Guinea 1.863 59
7 Malawi 1.895 65
8 Namibia 1.908 68
9 Senegal 1.916 70
10 Rwanda 1.945 72
11 Morocco 1.969 74
12 Gabon 1.973 75
13 Liberia 1.973 75
14 Angola 1.982 78
15 Madagascar 1.995 84
16 Tunisia 1.996 85
17 Tanzania 2.001 86
18 Eswatini 2.033 93
19 Lesotho 2.089 100
20 Togo 2.094 102
21 Benin 2.125 105



The most peaceful countries in Africa usually get the most tourists. Having seen the horrors of war, many African countries now have every reason to embrace peace, and to settle whatever disputes they have in a peaceful and civilized manner.