Top 5 African countries to invest in and why

Africa as a continent remains an emerging market globally, with a great potential to become a critical player among other developed economies.

Africa is a continent with the fastest growth and the major driver of this expansion is the young population and fast urbanization. Roughly 17% of the world’s population is estimated to be African. That amounts to around 1.4 billion people who call Africa home. As a result, the service and consumer goods sectors have a lot of room to grow. Of course, there has been a significant setback for foreign investment due to the instability in several parts of the continent, including political turmoil and terrorism.

Notwithstanding, the potential in Africa, and the vast amount of natural and human resources make Africa a great investment destination. This is true, considering the returns on investment.

The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) reported that investments in Africa yield the highest returns on foreign direct investment globally. Naturally, though, investors’ strong profits have been seen to offset the dangers associated with investing in Africa. 

Africa’s northern area for example has enormous quantities of crude oil. However, there are significant mining businesses in the southern region. Numerous of these natural resources are still untapped and offer room for expansion.

Among these African nations, some have distinguished credentials and have become a haven suitable for investment. And a key factor to this is political stability and security.

This article talks extensively about African countries that are most suitable for investment possibilities.

Why choose Africa as an investment destination

Africa is a developing market with a lot of undiscovered resources, a sizable consumer base, and an increasing trend of technological innovation. It is a desirable location for investors wishing to expand their portfolios and seize fresh growth prospects for so many reasons. 

It should be noted that an enormous market for digital products exists in Africa just because of the continent’s sizable informal economy. 

Africa has the greatest proportion of youthful, educated, and quickly urbanizing people, which is another thing to take into account. Africa will have more people of working age than any other continent by 2050. Cities are seeing a steady influx of people who are also making educational investments. Furthermore, with more than 60% of the world’s uncultivated arable land located in Africa, there is a huge opportunity for agriculture.

The integration of technology with customary farming methods has the potential to revolutionize African agriculture and unleash vast opportunities. Additionally, the fintech sector is booming and there are plenty of chances for African e-commerce, which is growing quickly.

Best African countries to invest in

1. Morocco

Morocco ought to be the first place one looks when considering an investment in Africa. This African nation’s robust economy is directly correlated with its comparatively stable political system and it is better than any sub-Saharan African nation in consideration.

In addition to enjoying stronger connections with Europe, the Moroccan government is considering establishing diplomatic relationships with other African nations. The nation is aiming to join the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) and has reintegrated into the African Union.

The GDP of the Moroccan economy increased by 7% in the previous year. The agricultural sector is primarily responsible for the increase. Nonetheless, the government projects 3.2% annual growth in the economy over the next few years and anticipates a downturn in the economy.

2. Egypt

Egypt is among the top business destinations in Africa. Despite being among the most severely affected nations in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic, it was also among the earliest to see economic recovery. Mostly because the government moved quickly to enact economic reforms.

Another advantage of Egypt is its proximity to Europe and the Middle East. The enormous skill pool, large population, low cost of living, and inexpensive real estate are other opportunities in Egypt that private investors should consider.

It is predicted by economists that by year’s end, the GDP will have increased by 3.8%. In addition, Egypt’s GDP grew by 5.20 per cent in 2023.

3. Rwanda

Rwanda is one of the greatest places to invest in Africa and has one of the continent’s fastest-growing economies, despite its modest size. Increasingly, international corporations, institutional investors, venture capitalists, private equity firms, and even local business leaders are taking notice of Rwanda as one of Africa’s growing markets.

Despite the limited prospects for growth in this African sector, foreign direct investment keeps flooding in due to the favourable business environment. Furthermore, Rwanda has an attractive stock market. This is enhanced by its efficient economic policies and excellent government.

For investors wishing to access other East African countries, Rwanda’s home market serves as a starting point. There are trade opportunities in the energy and construction sectors to be aware of. After double-digit growth in the preceding quarters, the African Development Bank projected a 6.9% GDP growth for Rwanda last year.

4. South Africa

Probably the most popular place to invest in Africa is South Africa. Because of its sophisticated market, it has attracted the majority of direct investments in international stocks throughout the entire African continent. Mostly because of its developed capital market, accessible financing options, and sensible economic policies.

In addition, there are ports and developed land infrastructure that help in the transportation of products and services. Strong industrial and retail sectors distinguish South African businesses. The retail business continues to be a fantastic industry for business growth. Because of this, businesses in South Africa maintain their optimism even with a revised GDP estimate of 1.3% to 1.8%.

5. Nigeria

Nigeria is the largest economy in Africa, and the most populous nation in Africa but stands at number 5.

Nigeria has a booming private sector and a developing consumer market but has its fair share of challenges like unstable government policies and unrest as a result of terrorism in some regions of the nation. 

To enhance the startup ecosystem climate and draw in foreign investment, the Nigerian government has introduced startup reforms, which have increased the country’s appeal to digital investors. With $398.2 million funded by companies in 2023, and exponential growth in innovation hubs driving the rise of startups in the nation, Nigeria has witnessed some of the largest investments in its startup ecosystem in recent years.

The potential in Nigeria is quite enormous, given that it has one of the largest arable lands, and has the largest human capital index.


Africa has some of the most promising economic growth potentials in the world, and that being said, individuals and business entities should not pass up the chance to become major players with the opportunity to influence Africa’s technological and industrial revolution. 

The aforementioned African countries are good choices for investment if you want a safe and secure return on your investment.

 Notedly, though, businesses and organizations looking to invest need to conduct a more thorough study of the laws and regulations of their host countries, so as to have a broader and in-depth understanding of the opportunities and risks involved. This is so that they make informed choices.